Nina Runs
In Love w/ Ultra & Trail Running
& always up for a challenge
MotiVate. Inspire. TraNsform. Cheer.
MotiVate. Inspire. TraNsform. Cheer.
Nina Talks Ultra mit zweifachem deutschen Meister im 24h-Rennen @endloslaeufer aka Marcel Leuze.
Im flachen Norden müssen wir schon Tricks anwenden und uns was ausdenken, um für die Berge zu trainieren. Das Dockland ist ein 25m hohes Gebäude mit richtig gut vielen Stufen. Da geht’s hoch und zwar öfter – 10x muss schon sein.
The Speed Project is a relay race from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. Due to Corona in 2020 the race THE SPEED PROJECT „DIY“ took place all around the world for 31h and 15min – the race record time. Tide Runners Hamburg competed against over 270 running crews & WE RUN HAMBURG with 12 runners. Every 4-5 hours every runner had to sprint for around 5km and carry a Garmin fenix 6 Pro Solar watch as a baton. Sprint, eat, relax, try to sleep, repeat. There was almost no sleep – I can tell.
Big thanks to @tiderunnershh / @superbude / @hanseatic_help / @on_running / @dawidjay / @artlerauge / @thespeedproject
#LetTheAdventureBegin OR #SkipTheSubway & #RunToWork– bigger running backpack TrailMix 12L by Nathan
Video production w/ Joschi running with Nathan’s TrailMix 12L.
Idea & Videographer: NinaRuns. May/2020, Harburger Berge.
Joschi wrote an article about testing the backpack. Some pictures I made are included. Have a look: its.trail.time-Nathan12L
In my opinion. I like and use the Nathan TrailMix, too. #LetTheAdventureBegin. It is great for running adventures, when carrying more clothes and food with me – e.g. my 222km 3-Day Running adventure on the Heidschnuckenweg from Celle to Hamburg.
#SkipTheSubway & #RunToWork. Usually I use the backpack for my commute runs to work, to skip the subway. A laptop and one whole outfit fits inside and it was comfortable to run with – no shaking, no wobbling, no heaviness on the shoulders. Sadly, I smashed a tiny hole in the lower corner. I taped it, but not to make it worse, I stop carrying the laptop in it. If you have tips & tricks how to stabilize or fix the little hole, let me know.
Mayrhofen Ultraks 2020 – Announcement Video
Race video – 50km 3200hm Ultra Trail #MUZ20
Last year I ran my Trail Running debut with 30km and this year I challenged myself at the 50k long distance. I smiled, I struggled, I fought & in the end I fell in love again. @mayrhofenultraksofficial
You make every second worth it. #MUZ20
What a race. Ultraks. Never have I ever had an ultra trail running race. I still can't believe it. So many memories and pictures are still passing by all the time in front of my eyes. So many experiences packed in intense & emotional 10h 41min 41sec.
Adventure something. Mayrhofen Ultraks Long distance means going uphill for the first 21km. A lot of hours of run-hike extreme. For this you need willpower & a mantra like "Leicht. Leicht. Federleicht". It helped me a lot, thank you @reiterflorian.at
- 21k uphill accomplished.
Mayrhofen Ultraks Track 2020
50km w/ 3200hm & running empty. At Mayrhofen Ultraks at around KM 19-27 I felt little dizzy and slightly sick. I didn’t fill up enough my burned calories & ran empty. Thanks to Cliffbar, CrewGel and Cliffblok - they got me out of this and I felt better again. Next time, I'll be more prepared with a nutrition strategy.
Wahnsinn. Beim 50k Ultraks habe ich es zum ersten Mal erlebt, wie es sich anfühlt, wenn die Luft dünner wird. Beim Anstieg vor KM 21 kamen wir plötzlich in eine Wolke. Die Luft wurde anders, man konnte schlechter atmen und die Bewegungen wurden langsamer. In dem Moment musste ich daran denken, wie sich wohl Bergsteigen auf dem Mount Everest anfühlen muss – nur dass es dort noch viel extremer ist.
Mayrhofen Ultraks Finish 2020
5 - the most important minutes during 51km w/ 3200hm through the mountains in Mayrhofen. 5 minutes before the cut off, Anita and I arrived at the hut Roswitha and were allowed as the last two runners to continue the track to the finish line. Thank you Roswitha and especially thank you @mayrhofenultraksofficial. You made my day
It is ok ...
... to be slower.
... to be less experienced.
... to just try something new, something bigger and experience it.
Anyway I felt ashamed to be last. But I did finish. I ran as fast a
possible to fit in the cut off time.
And I did it. No DNF, but DF. #MUZ20
THE CREW. Still getting goose bumps. Thank you ladies @mysportybubble & @hhcloudy
Thank you @tiderunnershh
Thank you @mayrhofenultraksofficial
Running all time. Sun, snow, rain – nothing can stop me.
#NothingCanStopMe. No matter rain, snow or extreme sun, nothing can stop me from running. I am running all year around & with the right gear, I enjoy every kind of weather.
#GearForAllWeather And there are so many tricks to do to run comfortable in every kind of situation. E.g. is it slippery, get some shoes with more grip. Is it hot, get a cap and bring some water in a running vest or a handheld. Is it raining, get a wind & rain jacket and wear a cap, so the rain can’t get into your eyes.
Enjoy running & don’t let the nature stop you from it.
Content by @NinaRuns unless otherwise noted – contact: laufkurier@gmail.com